Europe and Barcelona (1872)

  • 1872 Europe right now. Political-Geographic Fantasy Author: Louis Ernest “Sahib” Lesage and Yves & Barret


After the Franco-Prussian war, France, defeated, had lost Alsace and part of Lorraine; and the abolition of the Paris Commune. The victory of Prussia and the Germanic states turned the dominant power in Europe. France was giving way to a unified Germany. Someone said that Europe has lost a mistress and has won a master. Bismarck dominates the center of the map, his sword dividing the continent. The strings of a German puppeteer control Spain, Switzerland, Italy, Austria and Hungary. France seeks to rediscover itself, other nations have pity on her, they are staring at her. Prussia is now Germany. Germany is Prussia. Germany is the whole earth, in 365 days it revolves around the sun which is German, it has a moon which is German. Ironic quotes and comments of all kinds fill Europe. Germany eats rabbit stew with strawberries, their vinegars are dear and very advantageous and they replace wine.

And England: It is also the first nation in the world of cotton, a friend of the forts, provided they are very strong, protector of the weak, provided they are very weak. Separated from France by The Times and the channel.

Although the map has no signature, it is the work of Louis Ernest Lesage, a well-known French cartoonist of the time who worked for many years in La Vie Parisienne. Yves & Barret were one of the leading firms in the new photoengraving process. His work became known at that time as ‘ the process of Yves & Barret ‘.

Referent: Cornell University Library

Meanwhile in Barcelona…


And Las Meninas, Velázquez

Lo Mestre Tilas came out on 20 November 1868. Not attached to the Carlism, subtitled Semanari Clá y Catalá, published from 30 May 1868 under the direction of Eliseu Combas.

He greeted his readers with a Deu vos guart, senyors, and affirmed that he would write in Catalan just as he spoke, with the Catalan language of Avuy, without attending to the grammatical rules because, as said, the in the Retrógrado and Poch illustrated.

las enfilaré contra lliberals y neos, trampistas y tronats, empleats y contribuyents, cobrants y cessants, y contra las senyoras societats de credit, ferrocarrils y comparsa que tant ans han afeitat.

In the first period it was a humorous publication. Again it was published as a political weekly, with strong attacks on liberals and Republicans *, from 20 November 1868 to 27 April 1872, when it was banned. He returned again from 12 July from 1888 to 23 January 1890, and again from 26 June 1897 to 17 March 1900, again suspended by governmental order. One of his articulists was Joan Bardina and Castarà and showed an attitude favorable to the autonomy of Catalonia. It was once again published in Manresa from 23 March to 10 August 1907. Finally, it was published weekly in 1910, and monthly in 1911.

The name of the weekly was referring to the story of a teacher who lived on Carrer Carretes, one of the first teachers who would have settled in Barcelona, specifically in the Raval. As teaching did not give enough to live, it was also devoted to poultry farming. His disciples spent more time in the coop than in the class. It was tall and thin, and wearing a fallen glasses almost to the tip of the nose, and a very long beard. Today the expression seem the teacher to refer to someone with these characteristics is still used in Catalan.

The first tramway, was Barcelona in Gràcia, which was inaugurated on 7 June 1872. It was the first public regular transport, except naturally, of the railroad. The line went off the Rambla in front of Carrer del Carme and was up the Paseo de Gracia and Calle Gran. The line was lengthen and in the year 1880 arrived at the Plaza Rovira I Trias. In 1890 there was another branch that went to the sanctuary of health.

*The 1868 revolution overthrew Isabella II, but the Cortes emerged from the 1869 elections which gave a monarchist majority, which imposed the search for a new king among the European royal courts. This new king was Amadeu I of Savoy, but in the midst of a deeply unstable country, wrapped in several wars (in the Third Carlist War, due to the aspirations of the throne of the Borbonic Carlist; and the War of Cuba, a Spanish colony looking for Independence), and with the opposition of the Republicans and of a large part of the aristocracy, the church and the people, the King abdicated on 11 February 1873.

That same day of 1873, the Cortes proclaimed the first Spanish Republic. But the Republic was the victim of the instability caused by wars and the same division between the Republicans. Most Republicans were federalists, and in fact it was approved that the form of the state was the Federal Democratic Republic, but, at the same time, there was also a unitary trend.